Kids Resource

February 9, 2025

What kinds of blessings does God promise Israel if they keep His law? What did they need to have to keep His law?

God promised Israel that if they obeyed His law, they would be blessed in many ways. They would have plenty of food, fresh water, and their animals would be well-fed. They would have peace, no enemies attacking them, and they would enjoy rest in the land. To keep His law, they needed to have the right kind of heart—a heart that truly loved God and wanted to obey Him.

What symbol did God give Israel to visibly show them their choice, whether they would love and obey Him or not?

God gave Israel a powerful symbol when they entered the Promised Land. He told them to gather at two mountains, Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal. Half of the tribes stood on one mountain, representing blessing, and the other half stood on the other mountain, representing curses. This showed that they had a choice—would they obey God and be blessed, or disobey and be cursed?

Deuteronomy 27-29 talks about the blessings and curses. Which one does it talk about more? What does this mean for the future?

These chapters talk about curses much more than blessings. There are only a few verses about blessings, but many about curses. This showed that Israel would struggle to obey God because of their sinful hearts. It also meant that they would eventually face these curses, including being taken out of the land. It made people wonder: How will God ever keep His promises?

What does God promise to do in Deuteronomy 30?

In Deuteronomy 30, God makes an amazing promise. Even after Israel is scattered because of their disobedience, God will bring them back. But even more importantly, He says He will give them a new heart—one that can truly love and obey Him. This was something they couldn’t do on their own, so God Himself would make it possible.

How does God give blessing? How does God change our hearts?

God gives blessing through Jesus Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, He took all the curses that we deserved because of our sin. In return, He gives us His righteousness and blessing. God changes our hearts by giving us His Holy Spirit. This is what the Bible calls the New Covenant—where God’s law is not just written on stone tablets, but on our hearts. Through Jesus, we are forgiven, freed, and given a new heart that truly loves God.