Grand Parents @Prayer

Grandparents@ Prayer is an intercessory prayer group for grandparents to pray together for each other’s grandchildren and families.
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Date & Time

Monday, October 28th at 11:00 AM


Date: October 28, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Grandparents@ Prayer, (G@P) is an intercessory prayer group for grandparents to pray together for each other’s grandchildren and families. As grandparents, we believe that if we pray regularly and deliberately for our grandchildren and their parents, God can make a significant difference in the world and our families. Bethany’s G@P group meets on the last Monday of each month from 11:00-12:00 in the library [room 810 in the adult wing]. You’re invited to join with other grandparents in this time of prayer as we wait on the LORD for a miracle in our family. Contact Rod Abel with any questions.


Event Location

Bethany Baptist Church

7422 North Heinz Lane
Edwards, IL 61528




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