Kids Resource

January 5, 2025

1. Who decided to rebel against God’s leaders, Moses and Aaron? What might have caused them to think like this? What roles were the Kohathites already given?

The Kohathites and some people from the tribe of Reuben decided to rebel against Moses and Aaron. They thought they could do Moses’ and Aaron’s jobs and that everyone was holy enough to lead. But the Kohathites already had a very special job—they carried the holy items of the Tabernacle, like the Ark of the Covenant, which was super close to God’s presence. Even though this was an amazing job, they wanted more power.

2. How many leaders went to Moses and demanded that they should lead Israel and be priests too? What test does Moses say to do to see if they are right?

250 leaders joined the rebellion, saying they should be priests too. Moses told them to bring bowls of incense to offer before God. This was the test to see if God would accept them as priests.

3. How does God show that Moses is right? How would this show that God firmly set Moses as his prophet and leader over Israel?

God showed Moses was right by making the earth open up and swallow the rebels alive! Then fire came from heaven and burned up the 250 leaders. This showed everyone that Moses and Aaron were chosen by God and not just doing these jobs because they wanted to.

4. Did the people of Israel learn their lesson? What happened to show God established Aaron in his role given by God?

The people still complained the next day! A plague started, but Aaron quickly offered incense to God, and the plague stopped. This showed that Aaron was God’s chosen priest because he could act as a bridge between the people and God.

5. What does this lesson teach us about God’s justice, God’s wisdom, and who God has set as his leaders? What does this teach us about Jesus?

This story teaches us that God is perfectly fair and wise. He chooses leaders, not because they are greedy or selfish, but because He has a plan. It also teaches us about Jesus, who is the greatest leader of all, chosen by God to save us. If rejecting Moses and Aaron was bad, rejecting Jesus is even worse. But if we trust in Jesus, we are forgiven and part of God’s family forever!

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