Kids Resource

January 12, 2025

1. Whose land was Israel trying to go through to get to theirs? How are they related? Did Edom let them through?

Israel wanted to go through the land of Edom, which belonged to their family. Edomites were descendants of Esau, and Israelites were descendants of Jacob, so they were like cousins. But Edom said no and even brought out an army to stop them! Israel had to take a much longer way around.

2. Which way did Israel have to go to get to the promised land instead? What did they say that showed they didn’t trust God?

Since Edom wouldn’t let them pass, Israel had to go far out of their way, walking south and then around Edom to get back to the promised land. On this long journey, the people got grumpy and said things like, “God brought us out here to die!” and complained about the manna God gave them. This showed they didn’t trust God’s plan.

3. What did God send because of the people’s unbelief? What does God tell Moses to make? What does a serpent symbolize?

God sent poisonous snakes, and many people got bitten and died. The people asked Moses to pray, and God told Moses to make a snake out of copper and put it on a pole. Anyone who looked at the snake would be healed! Snakes often symbolize evil, like in the Garden of Eden when the serpent tricked Adam and Eve.

4. Why did God tell Moses to set the Bronze Serpent on a pole? What does this compare to in John 3:14-16?

God wanted the people to trust Him and simply look at the bronze serpent to be healed. In John 3:14-16, Jesus explains that the bronze serpent points to Him. Just like the Israelites looked at the serpent to be saved, we need to look to Jesus on the cross to be saved from our sins and have eternal life.

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