Weekly Bulletin

August 11, 2024

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Sunday Worship

Prelude: Crown Him with Many Crowns
Call to Worship
Welcome & Announcements
Bethany Family Prayer
Come Lord Jesus (Even so Come)
When Christ Our Life Appears
Turn Your Eyes
Come Jesus Come

Weekly Schedule

View our calendar HERE for the weekly schedule.
Join a Community Group

Fall is the perfect time to jump into a community group for the first time. If you’ve never joined a group, or haven’t attended in a while, now is the time to find a group of believers to do life with. Go to bethanycentral.org/groups to learn more.

Newcomers Lunch
Sunday, August 25, After 2nd Service

After second service. Anyone new to Bethany is invited to join us for lunch. Meet Elders & Pastors, ask questions, and get to know us. If you are new to Bethany this is the perfect first step for you! Go to bethanycentral.org/lunch to register.

Summer Finale
Sunday, September 01, 10:00 am

Our Summer Finale service is just a few weeks away! Sunday September 1st we have a single combined outdoor service at 10am (no sunday school, children’s church, or ABC’s). We’ll have a picnic lunch after church so be sure to bring a chair for outdoor seating.


Bethany Family News

Our congratulations to Kurt and Jorie Storvik on the birth of their daughter, Isla Celeste on Thursday, August 1st.

Youth Fall Kickoff | Parent's Night
Wednesday, August 14, 6:30 pm

Our Parent’s Night is a time for parents to hear ministry updates, meet their student’s small group leaders, connect with other parents, and pray for the upcoming school year. Students will be doing separate fun activities, and childcare will be provided from birth-5th grade. You can register your family using your MyBethany or by calling the church office.

Awana Materials Pick Up Night & Registration
August 21, 5:45 - 7:30pm

Awana registration for this year is now open! Get your child registered and be ready for materials pick-up night 8/21. You can register your children through your myBethany or go to bethanycentral.org/awana.

NYC Trip Report
Sunday, August 18, 1:00 pm, in the High School Rm

We’re excited to invite you to a special dessert where the New York City team will share highlights from our recent ministry trip. Hear firsthand about the impactful outreach, partnerships, and transformative experiences they had. It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect, learn more about our mission, and see how you can get involved. RSVP by using your MyBethany or by calling the church office.

New Series: Temple Builders ABC

The Temple Builders ABC will be starting a new series covering the book of 1 Samuel, starting on Sunday, August 11th in room 807. All are welcomed.

Welcome Hannah Jayselan to our Staff Team

Join us in welcoming Hannah Jayselan back on staff as our Children’s Ministry Admin! We’re thrilled to have her join our staff once again and look forward to her serving our families.

Pathway Ministries Walk for Life Event
Saturday, August 17

The Walk for Life is a 2-mile walk along the Peoria Riverfront beginning at the Gateway Building supporting the life-saving work of the Empower Life Center. Small groups, student ministries, or Sunday School classes can come and walk together as a team to add their voice to the cause. You can learn more at bethanycentral.org/walkforlife.

Discussion Questions

Icebreaker Question

If you could join any band what would it be and why? And what would your role be? (Or make your own band)

Discussion Questions

What are the main interpretations of the seventy weeks prophecy, and how do different theological perspectives view its fulfillment? What do you think about this prophecy’s fulfillment personally? Why?

This prophecy includes references to the coming of the Messiah, His death, and the desolation of Jerusalem. How does this prophecy point to Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament messianic expectations? How does the fulfillment of these prophecies in Jesus impact your understanding of WHO He is and WHAT He came to do?

What do we know about the Anti-Christ? If you were alive during his time how would you identify him?

Application Questions

The fulfillment of the seventy weeks prophecy demonstrates God’s faithfulness to His promises throughout history. How does the fulfillment of prophecy in Scripture affirm your trust in God’s sovereignty and reliability?

How can we live today in anticipation of Jesus’s return, living as ambassadors of His kingdom? (2 Cor 5:11-21) How can we live as people who believe that Jesus is coming soon?

Latest Sermons

God’s Servant Tempted

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Mark 1:12-13; 21-28

February 9, 2025

God’s Servant Introduced

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Mark 1:1-11

February 2, 2025

Love Listens to Fellow Neighbors

Josh Beakley

Colossians 4

January 26, 2025

Love Listens to Fellow Believers

Jimmy Houck

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

January 19, 2025

Listening to the LORD

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

1 Samuel 3:1-21

January 12, 2025

God Hears Us

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

1 Samuel 1:1-20

January 5, 2025