Weekly Bulletin

November 24, 2024

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Sunday Worship

Prelude: Grace Alone
Call to Worship
Jesus Firm Foundation
Welcome & Announcements
Bethany Family Prayer
Baptisms (Both Services)
I Am Yours
Jesus Thank You
I Will Sing of My Redeemer

Weekly Schedule

View our calendar HERE for the weekly schedule.
Advent Devotional: Truly, Truly
Available in the Foyer

This year our Advent Devotional, Truly, Truly, was written by our very own Bethany Church staff. Beginning December 1, this devotional explores the 25 “Truly, truly” statements of Jesus in the book of John.

Each day’s reflection includes Scripture, prayer, application questions, and action steps. You can pick up a book at the table in the foyer or visit bethanycentral.org/trulytruly to download a digital copy.

Membership Class
Sunday, December 01, 9:00 am

The class meets in Rm 813 in the adult wing. This one-session class features videos & class discussion. You’ll learn more about Bethany and discover the importance of membership and joining your local church. Sign up by going to bethanycentral.org/membership.

Christmas Night of Worship
Sunday, December 08, 6:00 pm

Come celebrate the joy of Christmas and the incredible gift of Jesus at our Christmas Night of Worship! Enjoy an evening filled with carols, Christmas classics, and beloved songs that help us reflect on the hope of the season. Stay afterward for a dessert reception with festive treats and fellowship.


Church Cleanup Giveaway
November 24th 10am - 1pm

We’re cleaning out the church closets. With construction wrapping up, we have a variety of items that are no longer needed, including kids’ toys, file cabinets, rugs, chairs, strollers, baby items, and more.

Join us on Sunday, November 24th, from 10am to 1pm at the Compassion Building to see what you might need. All items are free and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Any remaining items will be donated to the Southside Mission at the end of the day.

Church Office Holiday Hours
Afternoon of 11/27 through 11/29

The office will be closed the afternoon of November 27th through Friday, November 29th for Thanksgiving. Please take note of these holiday hours in your planning.

GO Trips Coming in 2025
July 2025

Our Global Outreach team is excited to announce two upcoming short-term trips for 2025, open to everyone interested in participating! In July 2025, we will embark on a mission trip to Malawi, followed by an evangelistic trip to New York City, also in July.

To learn more and apply for either of these life-changing opportunities, go to bethanycentral.org/gotrips.

Student Ministry: High School Winter Camp
Jan. 17-19, 2025

Winter Camp registration is open! All 9th-12th grade students are welcome to join us on January 17th-19th at The Uplands for a weekend of fun games, challenging lessons, and engaging small group and fellowship time. The cost is $150 per student, with scholarships available. Register for the Early Bird Discount by December 11th to get $25 off per student. Go to bethanycentral.org/wintercamp to learn more and register.

Operation Christmas Child
Collection Week: Nov. 18–24, 2024

Bring great joy and the Good News to children in need around the world. Ready-made boxes are available at a table in the foyer near the gym entrance for you to take or you can build a box online by going to bethanycentral.org/occ.

Caterpillar Foundation Matching Opportunity
December 2nd - 6th, 2024

If you are a Caterpillar employee or retiree we encourage you to take advantage of the Caterpillar Foundation 2:1 matching gift for eligible charities. This is happening from Dec 2nd-6th. While the match does not apply to donations to churches, there are many faith-based groups that do qualify. You can learn more at bethanycentral.org/catmatch. Caterpillar is not the only company that provides a match – be sure to check with your employer!

Discussion Questions

If you could take a break from “real work” to master a fun hobby, what would it be? Or, if you could turn any hobby into a job, what would it be?

Discussion Questions
Paul tells believers to “keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness.” What do you think this looks like in practice? How can we balance this command with the love and care we are called to give other believers?

In verses 7-8 Paul used himself and the team with him as examples of hard work. Why did Paul think it was important to model this type of hard work? How does that fit with other commands in scripture to love, serve, and care for others? How can we model these principles for others as Paul did for the Thessalonians?

Do you think there is a connection between being idle and being a busybody? Is there a danger in being bored and not having enough to do? How does Paul’s harsh words in verse 10, “let him not eat,” also harmonize with God’s first purpose for man in Genesis 2:15?

Application Questions
Are there areas in your life where you might be prone to idleness? What do you think might be leading to that? Are there some practical strategies that can help you work harder in those areas?

How can we balance working hard to provide for ourselves and others while maintaining a humility to rely on others when we truly need to? Do you find it hard to maintain the balance?

How should we respond to those we feel might be a disruption to the church community? (Those who “walk in idleness”). What are some wise principles we can follow to love and confront others in our community who may be disruptive?

Latest Sermons

God’s Servant Tempted

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Mark 1:12-13; 21-28

February 9, 2025

God’s Servant Introduced

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Mark 1:1-11

February 2, 2025

Love Listens to Fellow Neighbors

Josh Beakley

Colossians 4

January 26, 2025

Love Listens to Fellow Believers

Jimmy Houck

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

January 19, 2025

Listening to the LORD

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

1 Samuel 3:1-21

January 12, 2025

God Hears Us

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

1 Samuel 1:1-20

January 5, 2025