Weekly Bulletin

October 1, 2023

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Sunday Worship

Prelude: Saved My Soul
Call to Worship
There Is A Fountain
Welcome & Announcements
Bethany Family Prayer
All I Have is Christ
Behold Our God
Jeremy Kluth Scripture Recitation
I Set My Hope on Jesus
Benediction & Compassion Offering

Weekly Schedule

View our calendar HERE for the weekly schedule.
Jeremy Kluth: Bible Recitation & Workshop
This Sunday

Jeremy Kluth will present a dramatic recitation from the book of Job during both services. He will also be running a special scripture memorization workshop for us following the second service. If you plan to stay for the workshop you can RSVP to have lunch with us. Use your myBethany to RSVP for lunch and the workshop.

GO Conference: GO Partner Meal Hosting
October 20

Our annual GO Conference is just a few weeks away! As we look forward to an incredible weekend we have several opportunities for you to host our GO Partners for lunch or dinner.

Gather your small group, family, or friends for a meal with one of our GO Partners. You can hear about their ministry, build relationships with them, and be blessed by hearing about what God is doing around the world. Go to bethanycentral.org/go to register or get more information.


Bethany Family News

Our sympathies to Herb Chowaniak and Sue Chowaniak on the loss of their wife and mother, Debbie Chowaniak.

Our congratulations to Andrew & Becca Schellenberg on the birth of their son, Jackson William.

Our congratulations to Grant & Courtney Hannah on the birth of their son, Isaac Henry.

Welcome New Members

The following people were voted on and approved as new members.

  • Moriah & Michelle Crumrine
  • Evan Eisenmenger
  • Aiden Hinton
  • Jay & Jenny Longstreth
  • Austyn & Madeline Marks
  • Tom & Anita Ryan
  • Ben Schick
  • Ron & Jonna, and Liz Tyler
  • Muriel Unseth
  • Joe & Tricia Walder
Ecuador Trip Update & Dessert Fellowship
Sunday, October 01, 7:00 pm

Our Ecuador GO Team is back and excited to share what God did during their trip. Join them for a trip update and dessert fellowship in the High School Room from 7:00pm – 8:00pm.

Car Care Day
Saturday, October 28

If you attend Bethany, and are a senior saint, widow, single mother, or college student, our Car Care team wants to bless you by preparing your car for Winter at no cost to you. Services include: oil & filter change, brake, tire, and suspension inspection, top-off fluids, air filter change, & wiper blade replacement.

Call or text Chaz Ruppman at (309) 696-2727 today to schedule your free appointment at his North Peoria-based shop.

Men's Tuesday 9:00am Bible Study

The Tuesday men’s bible study is starting a new series shortly. They will be studying the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5, 6, and 7. You can join them any Tuesday at 9:00am here at Bethany.

Together in Prayer
Wednesday, October 04, 6:30 pm

The first Wednesday of the month from 6:30-7:30pm you can take part in a special time of prayer. The group will meet in the sanctuary. Email Josh Moon [email protected], for more information and any questions.

Discussion Questions

Icebreaker Question:
What first impressions or assumptions have people made about you that were totally wrong?

Discussion Questions:
What were the 3 main reasons for why Job’s friends think he’s suffering? Why do you think they turn to these as their main reasons?

How do Job’s friends provide counsel on what not to do when you live life with other sufferers? What about the Disciples? (See John 9:1-3)

Does Job’s view of God from chapters 3-31 change at all? Why or why not? (Note Job 30:19-23, 31:33-35)

Application Questions:
Do you ever jump to conclusions when you see others suffering? If so, where are you most tempted to assume like Job’s friends?

What are the most honest thoughts you’ve directed to God in your suffering? What does that show you about what you think of him?

How did Jesus wrestle with accusations made against him? (See Luke 4:16-30, John 6:60-69, John 7:40-52)

Latest Sermons

God’s Servant Tempted

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Mark 1:12-13; 21-28

February 9, 2025

God’s Servant Introduced

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Mark 1:1-11

February 2, 2025

Love Listens to Fellow Neighbors

Josh Beakley

Colossians 4

January 26, 2025

Love Listens to Fellow Believers

Jimmy Houck

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

January 19, 2025

Listening to the LORD

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

1 Samuel 3:1-21

January 12, 2025

God Hears Us

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

1 Samuel 1:1-20

January 5, 2025