Weekly Bulletin

September 15, 2024

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Sunday Worship

Prelude: Sing
Call to Worship
Who You Say I Am
Welcome & Announcements
Walk-up Communion & Scripture Reading
All Things
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me
Sermon: A Sure Faith
Jesus Strong and Kind

Weekly Schedule

View our calendar HERE for the weekly schedule.
New Sermon Notebooks

We started a new series last week on the book of 2 Thessalonians. To help you engage with the series we’ve created a special notebook with a devotional, sermon notes, group discussion questions, and a place for prayer requests. You can pick up a copy on your way into the sanctuary or get a digital version at bethanycentral.org/notebook.

Congregational Meeting
Sunday, September 29, 6:00 pm

Save the date! In two weeks, we’ll come together for our Congregational Meeting. This is a special time to hear how God is moving through the various ministries of our church. Everyone is welcome to attend—whether you’re a member or not! After the meeting, join us for a time of dessert and fellowship as we welcome our newest members. We look forward to seeing you there!

August Financials

In an effort to keep you up to date on the status of our finances here are the financial numbers for the previous month:

Giving Expenses Budget
$184,549 $214,982 $261,645
YTD Giving YTD Expense YTD Budget
$874,650 $934,261 $1,046,580


Upcoming Membership Vote
Sunday, September 29

We are excited to be voting new members into Bethany in two weeks. Watch next week’s bulletin for details on whom you can be encouraging and welcoming into our church family.

BEST Lunch and Learn
Monday, September 16, 11:00 am

BEST (Boomers Engaged in Serving and Sharing Together) is hosting a lunch that will take place in the Café. Daniel Sheaffer, our Children & Family Minister, will come and share about his childhood as well as his testimony. Use your myBethany to RSVP or call the church office.

Middle School Fall Retreat
October 4th - 6th, $150

Registration for the Middle School Fall Retreat is open! This weekend retreat is a special time for students to build fellowship, play fun games, enjoy great food, and grow in God’s Word. Our theme this year is Ruth: A Story of Redemption, where we’ll explore the book of Ruth and the truth that God is faithful, even in challenging times. Registration closes September 18th. For questions, contact the church office or email us at [email protected].

Volunteer with Safe Families for Children
Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am

Learn how you can make a difference in the lives of children and families in crisis by attending a Free In-Person Volunteer Training Event with Safe Families for Children – Peoria/Bloomington, hosted at Bethany Community Church. Breakfast and childcare will be provided. Visit https://bethanycentral.org/safefamilies to learn more and register. Learn more about Safe Families at safe-families.org.

Good News Club
Sunday, September 15

Our Good News Club at Ridgeview Elementary is starting soon. This is a great opportunity for you to be part of a program designed to share the gospel with kids in a fun and loving environment. They are looking for volunteers. If you might be interested reach out to Patti Falatko [email protected].

HEART Work Night
Monday, September 16, 6:30 pm

HEART is a ministry at Bethany that seeks to provide support to women and couples who are grieving the loss of a baby at any stage of life. Join them for a work night; no skills are needed. Tie ribbons on ornaments, fill Keepsake bags, and put items in stillbirth boxes. These resources are given out through hospitals, doctor offices, pregnancy centers, and more.

Discussion Questions


What is someone or something that you will always be thankful for (even if it doesn’t seem important)? Why did you pick that person or thing?

Discussion Questions

Why is Paul thankful for the Thessalonian believers? What specific characteristics is he praising in verse 3?

In verse 4, Paul “boasts” about the church for their steadfastness in persecution. What does this tell you about the early church’s experience with suffering and persecution? How do you think persecution shaped the identity and faith of early Christians?

Do you think it’s right to “boast” about others? Paul clearly makes this a positive aspect of their faith. How can boasting about positive aspects of others be an encouragement to both you and them?

Application Questions

Why is it so important that our love for “one another” be “increasing”? Why is love for others so important in churches?

How are we called to live in the face of suffering and persecution? How can you increase your “steadfastness and faith” even in the midst of hard times?

How can you encourage others in their Christian walk? Is there someone you’ve seen do something worthy of praise recently? How about your spouse, others from your family, or your children? Why is it so important that we recognize and identify when others are living in Christ-like ways?

Latest Sermons

God’s Servant Tempted

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Mark 1:12-13; 21-28

February 9, 2025

God’s Servant Introduced

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Mark 1:1-11

February 2, 2025

Love Listens to Fellow Neighbors

Josh Beakley

Colossians 4

January 26, 2025

Love Listens to Fellow Believers

Jimmy Houck

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

January 19, 2025

Listening to the LORD

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

1 Samuel 3:1-21

January 12, 2025

God Hears Us

Dr. Ritch Boerckel

1 Samuel 1:1-20

January 5, 2025