Weekly Bulletin
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Sunday Worship
Weekly Schedule
We are starting a new series this week on the book of 2 Thessalonians. To help you engage with the series we’ve created a special notebook with a devotional, sermon notes, group discussion questions, and a place for prayer requests. You can pick up a copy on your way into the sanctuary or get a digital version at bethanycentral.org/notebook.
The Hands of Grace food pantry ministry (a partnership with Grace Baptist) is looking for volunteers to help with food distribution and community outreach. You can donate food, volunteer to help, or give to help cover costs. Visit bethanycentral.org/handsofgrace to learn more.
The class meets in Rm 813 in the adult wing. This one-session class features videos & class discussion. You’ll learn more about Bethany and discover the importance of membership and joining your local church. Sign up by going to bethanycentral.org/membership.
We offer ongoing and short-term Ladies’ Bible Studies that meet at various times throughout the week. Several options are available for you to study God’s Word. The main study this fall will be in the book of Revelation on Tuesday mornings (with childcare) or Tuesday evenings (without childcare). Go to bethanycentral.org/ladies for more info.
BEST (Boomers Engaged in Serving and Sharing Together) is hosting a lunch that will take place in the High School Room. Daniel Sheaffer, our Children & Family Minister will come and share about his childhood as well as his testimony. Use your myBethany to RSVP or call the church office.
This is a women’s group for moms of young kids, teens, and anything in between. They offer two sessions —Monday nights without childcare and Tuesdays with childcare. It’s a devotional and Bible study that’s simple yet rich in God’s Word for moms seeking to stay grounded in Truth. Sign up using your myBethany or contact the church office.
Our Good News Club at Ridgeview Elementary is starting soon. This is a great opportunity for you to be part of a program designed to share the gospel with kids in a fun and loving environment. They are looking for volunteers. If you might be interested reach out to Patti Falatko [email protected].
Meets in the Gathering room in the adult wing. If you feel called to foster or adopt, or if you want to learn how to support loved ones who are caring for children from challenging backgrounds, this class is your first step. Join us as we partner with the Open Hearts, Open Home ministry to make a difference in the lives of orphans and vulnerable children.
This class is required for those seeking adoption financial assistance. For more information, please contact Dan Hoyt at [email protected].
HEART is a ministry at Bethany that seeks to provide support to women and couples who are grieving the loss of a baby at any stage of life. Join them for a work night; no skills are needed. Tie ribbons on ornaments, fill Keepsake bags, and put items in stillbirth boxes. These resources are given out through hospitals, doctor offices, pregnancy centers, and more.
Have you visited or attended any unique or interesting churches? Do you have any interesting church stories that stand out to you?
Discussion Questions
Why do you think Paul, Silas, and Timothy all jointly greet the church in Thessalonica? What does this say about the relationship they had with the Thessalonian believers?
What is the importance of Paul’s greeting, “grace and peace”? Why would these specific words be important for the Thessalonian church?
How does the opening of 2 Thessalonians compare to other letters that Paul wrote and their openings? Do you see any similarities or differences?
Application Questions
Paul, Silas, and Timothy all served and ministered to the church at Thessalonica. How can we serve and work together for the good of our church in humility and collaboration? How have you seen that go wrong? How have you seen it go well?
Paul’s greeting of “grace and peace” is a powerful one. In what ways do you feel like you could use more grace and more peace in your life? How can the Gospel give you both grace and peace?
We often see Paul dealing with each church he ministers to in starkly different ways. In what ways is each local church unique? Why do you think God has made local churches different?